Fall Classic Fishing Tournament

August 23, 2025

Captain’s Meeting August 22 at The Marquette Elks Lodge at 6:00 p.m.

Tournament 6:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Weigh-in at approximately 4:00 p.m at the Presque Isle Bandshell

$150/boat $50 Side Pot Big Fish

The Fall Classic Fishing Tournament is South Shore Fishing Association’s largest tournament and the last SSFA’s fish event of the year. The tournament takes place at the end of August. It has multiple categories, including trout, salmon, and big fish categories.

The Captain’s meeting is held at the Elks Lodge in Marquette, where all rules and regulations will be reviewed. There are multiple prizes and raffle opportunities at this meeting. This meeting takes place at the same time as our annual members meeting. Your registration for this event enters you into both Salmon and Trout categories, and there is a 100% payout.

If you have any questions, please call Jesse Bianchi at 906-250-7746.
Or, email South Shore at MQTfallclassic@gmail.com.


Or, Apply Online:

By submitting the payment below, you agree to all the event rules. If registering for multiple events in the Fall Classic, you must add each item to your cart and then hit the back button to add numerous events.

Fall Classic Fishing Tournament
2024 Fall Classic Big Fish
Women and Children Event